
Can You Sue a Funeral Home for Negligence?

Can You Sue a Funeral Home for Negligence?

Your Rights If the Florida Funeral Home Was Negligent

When a loved one dies, it can be unbearably difficult. Depending on your loved one’s wishes, you may need to make funeral arrangements and wrap up their affairs. During this time you may assume that the funeral home you rely on is always handling your loved one with the utmost care. Unfortunately, this may not be the case.

At The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A., we represent individuals who have suffered harm because of a funeral home’s negligence. We understand that this may be a challenging time for you and your family. We are here to help. Contact our office at 954-763-4950 to schedule a free consultation and discuss your legal options.

Who Can Sue a Florida Funeral Home?

If a Florida funeral home was negligent in the handling of your loved one or engaged in some form of unethical or unlawful activity, you might be entitled to compensation. Depending on the circumstances of the case, you may be able to sue for damages.

Loved ones who may be able to file a lawsuit for funeral home negligence:

  • Surviving spouse
  • Parents of the deceased
  • Children of the deceased
  • Heirs of the deceased

In some instances, a public administrator may also be able to file a lawsuit based on funeral home negligence. However, it is always in your best interest to discuss your case with an experienced attorney to determine how you proceed and if you have a valid claim.

What Is Funeral Home Negligence?

Funeral home negligence occurs when there is a breach of a duty of care that the funeral home owes to you or your loved one. The breach of duty must cause you provable damages.

Common types of funeral home negligence:

  • Losing a person’s remains
  • Improper embalming
  • Improper storage of a body
  • Mishandling of a corpse
  • Sexual abuse of a corpse
  • Breach of contract
  • Wrong burial site
  • Wrong body provided at the viewing

Damages in a funeral home negligence case may include your out-of-pocket losses and non-economic losses such as your pain and suffering.

Why Hire an Attorney?

If a funeral home failed to deliver a reasonable standard of care when helping you bury or cremate your loved one, you deserve answers. A civil lawsuit can help you obtain compensation for your losses including the emotional distress of having your loved one’s body improperly embalmed or finding out that your family member was buried in the wrong plot.

At The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, we know that this is not easy. Our lawyers are dedicated to helping you get the help you need and the recovery you deserve.

Contact Our Office for a Free Consultation

If you believe that the nursing home negligently handled your loved one, contact our office at 954-763-4950for a free consultation. We proudly serve clients throughout Florida. Our lawyers have extensive experience helping those who have suffered harm as a result of another person’s negligence.

Do not wait. Call now to speak directly with an attorney. All case evaluations are free and without obligation to retain our firm.

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