If a patient suffers avoidable harm when a healthcare professional fails to avoid a standard level of care, through negligence or otherwise, it is considered medical malpractice. Medical malpractice can affect every part of a person’s body, leaving them with serious injuries that could even be permanent. If the doctor’s mistake affects your eyes, it can be devastating and might even lead to life-long blindness. This article will explain various ways that medical malpractice could lead to vision loss or blindness. If this has happened to you, speak with a compassionate Broward County, FL medical malpractice lawyer to understand what rights and recourse you have.
There are several ways medical malpractice can lead to vision loss and blindness. Some include:
If a doctor has caused you to lose your vision, make sure to act quickly to seek compensation. The statute of limitations in Florida for medical malpractice cases is two years, so do not wait.
We go to our eye doctors assuming we can trust them to take proper care of us, treat issues promptly, and avoid unnecessary harm. If a doctor made a mistake while treating you and it has left you blind, a skilled Broward County, FL, personal injury attorney can review the case and advise you on how to get the compensation you deserve. Call The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A. at 954-763-4950 to schedule a free consultation.