
Insurance Claim Appeal Success Rates

Insurance Claim Appeal Success Rates

What to Do If Your Insurance Claim is Denied in Florida

Having an insurance claim denied can be a frustrating and upsetting experience. Under most circumstances, however, you have the right to an appeal. It is important to review your insurance policy to determine the appeals process and any legal deadlines that you must meet.

At The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A., we represent individuals in insurance claims including wrongful denials. Our lawyers are well-versed in holding insurance companies accountable when they deny a claim in bad faith. If your insurance claim was denied, contact our office at954-763-4950to schedule a free consultation.

Why Are Insurance Claims Denied?

Insurance claims can be denied for a number of reasons. It may be as simple as you did not adequately fill out the paperwork or it could be as complicated as there is a dispute about what is covered.

Common reasons insurance claims are denied:

  • Lapsed policy
  • Damages not covered
  • Claim not filed timely
  • Paperwork errors
  • Losses do not exceed deductible

An insurance company may also claim that you failed to mitigate additional losses or they may have simply denied the claim in error. Regardless of the reason, you should always consult with an attorney to determine the best course of action following an insurance claim denial.

When Insurance Claims Are Denied in Bad Faith

Unfortunately, some insurance companies deny claims in bad faith. They either fail to properly investigate the claim or deny the claim outright. Either way, if an insurance company denies a valid claim you may have the right to an appeal. If you suspect that the insurer denied it without adequately investigating it, you should consult with a bad faith lawyer.

It is a good idea to review your policy to determine what the appeals process is and how long you have to file an appeal. An attorney can help you understand your rights and file the appropriate paperwork.

How Successful Are Insurance Claim Appeals?

Valid claims or claims that were denied in bad faith are often successful in appeal. Success rates, however, often depend on the type of insurer. In the medical industry, over 50% of appeals for coverage or reimbursement denials have a positive outcome.

For homeowners, it may take litigation to achieve a fair settlement. A press release from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis shows that the state accounts for nearly 80% of the “nation’s homeowners insurance lawsuits over claims filed.” The Governor called for a complete overhaul of the state’s property insurance industry.

Was Your Insurance Claim Denied? Contact Our Office.

Was your insurance claim denied in Florida? Contact our office at 954-763-4950to schedule a free consultation. All insurance claim evaluations are provided at no cost and without obligation to retain our firm.

Let us help you understand the appeals process and ensure that you do not miss any legal deadlines. We can help ensure that you receive the best possible outcome in your case. Call our office now to get started. Phones answered 24/7.

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