
Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Lawyer

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Fort Lauderdale Lawyers for Clients Injured in Car Crashes

In the blink of an eye, a car accident can alter your life permanently. We understand this deeply here at The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A. The aftermath of a car accident can be a frightening place to find oneself, and the stress can only increase as you watch the medical bills begin to build up, even as you are unable to return to work due to your injuries. In these situations, a Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer can be essential to seeking compensation.

Every year, 400,000 auto accidents occur in the state of Florida, or more than 1,000 crashes every day. Federal estimates suggest that about half of these crashes involve at least one injury. Despite the physical and emotional trauma caused by their injuries, each person must somehow find a way to constructively move on with their life.

If you have suffered an injury caused by someone else, then you may be able to seek financial compensation to assist you in your journey toward a full recovery. Our personal injury lawyers are well-versed and knowledgeable in matters related to motor vehicle accidents, and we can provide you with the representation you need to ensure that justice is served.

Contact our Fort Lauderdale Truck Accident Lawyers

If you need to determine how you can obtain financial compensation for injuries caused by the negligence of others, then we encourage you to get in touch with our firm today.

Most Common Types of Car Accidents in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

If you have suffered a car accident in Fort Lauderdale, you may have legal grounds to file a claim for compensation to help cover any of the damages you have suffered. At The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A., we have served countless clients after they have sustained injuries or damage in a wide variety of car accident types. The most common types of car accidents we have seen include the following:

  • Rear-End Crashes: This type of car accident can occur when the front end of one vehicle makes an impact with the back end of another. These can typically happen at intersections due to sudden breaking or the rear-ending vehicle not slowing down in time. Other reasons can include driver inattention, distracted driving such as driving while texting, and driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Side-Impact Collisions: These accidents can otherwise be known as a T-bone accident, which can occur when the front end of one vehicle makes impact with the side of another. These accidents can cause extreme damage to both vehicles and the occupants of both vehicles can suffer severe injuries and even death. These most often happen at intersections or when individuals make illegal turns.
  • Sideswipe Accidents: These accidents occur when a car collides with another when both vehicles are moving in the same direction or when a single vehicle hits a stationary object. Typically, these accidents only result in property damage but individuals can still become injured. The most common cause for these accidents is driver inattention while switching lanes or drifting between lanes.
  • Rollover Wrecks: A rollover accident is a common accident that can happen when a vehicle flips over onto its side or roof. These accidents can occur for several reasons including inclement road conditions, swerving to avoid an object or animal, or when a driver takes a sharp turn at too high of a speed.
  • Head-On Collisions: Oftentimes, these types of accidents result in fatalities. These occur when the front end of one vehicle makes an impact with the front end of another. The damage can be extensive, and the injuries suffered can result in a fatality.

If you were injured or suffered property damage in any of the above types of car accidents, the attorneys at The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A. are here to help.

Experienced, Dedicated Florida Car Accident Attorneys

After a car crash, it is important to secure representation from a lawyer who is not only knowledgeable in the law but also genuinely cares about your plight. At our firm, we understand the difficulties you are facing, and we will strive to give you the support and guidance that you need in order to achieve the best possible results.

With more than 50 combined years of experience, we can provide the legal help you are looking for. We know how difficult these matters can be, which is why we are dedicated to providing comprehensive representation while fighting fiercely on your behalf every step of the way.

Our attorneys will invest the necessary time and effort to look into every detail surrounding your accident. We will identify each individual who could be legally responsible for the harm you have suffered, and we will attentively listen to you in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of how this incident has impacted your life.

The Difference Our Legal Team Can Make

Our thoroughness, when combined with our genuine care toward our clients’ needs, is what leads us to successful outcomes in personal injury cases. We are ready to use our knowledge and experience to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Our law firm has provided assistance to hundreds of individuals who have been injured in a variety of auto accidents. We are proud to say that we have secured millions of dollars in compensation for people who have been injured in cases such as:

Contact our Fort Lauderdale Truck Accident Lawyers

If you need to determine how you can obtain financial compensation for injuries caused by the negligence of others, then we encourage you to get in touch with our firm today.

Common Injuries Seen in Florida Car Accidents

Many car accidents in Florida will leave the victims suffering only minor bruises or abrasions and can be addressed through minor forms of treatment following the accident. However, there are cases where an accident can result in horrific and traumatic injuries and even death. The most common injuries that are seen in car accident claims can include the following:

  • Whiplash: Car accidents can often result in this type of injury when the neck suffers harm because of the forceful or rapid movement of the neck during impact.
  • Herniated Discs: You may suffer a herniated disc in a car accident, where one or more of your vertebrae are either shifted from place or ruptured. The recovery process for these injuries can be extensive and cause physical pain.
  • Broken Ribs: Your ribs are extremely fragile, and when they suffer impact in a car accident, they can easily break. The recovery process involved in these injuries can be long and cause high amounts of physical pain.
  • Knee Trauma: When you suffer a car accident, your knees can make an impact with the internal components of the vehicle, leading to extensive injuries. These injuries can be severe and last for a long time, impacting your overall mobility and even making it so you are no longer able to walk.
  • Internal Bleeding: This form of injury can happen in a car accident and become extremely dangerous if not treated immediately. This is why it can be so important to seek medical attention following an accident, even if you do not feel physically injured.
  • Head Injuries: Traumatic brain injuries or concussions can be some of the worst injuries suffered in a car accident. They can lead to lifelong suffering and many disabilities. They can even lead to the victim losing their life.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

After any type of vehicular collision, it is important to immediately contact one of our experienced lawyers for assistance. Additionally, if you want your case to be as successful as possible, there are a few steps that should be taken during and after the incident:

  • Call 911 – After a crash, your primary priority should be to ensure everyone’s safety. By promptly phoning emergency services, you will be able to receive immediate medical aid for anyone who was injured. You can also make sure a report of the accident will be filed, and this can provide helpful evidence if litigation is needed to address your injuries and damages.
  • Gather information and evidence – It is unlikely that your attorney will be able to travel to the accident scene, so it is up to you to collect as much information about the incident as possible. This includes collecting contact information and details about insurance policies from all individuals involved, documenting any property damage or injuries sustained in the accident, and taking photographs of the vehicles, the road, and other relevant details.
  • Do not admit or discuss fault – Regardless of what happened before, during, or after the accident, you should refrain from expressing any form of apology or admitting that you may have been partially or fully to blame. Make sure to avoid admitting fault when speaking with law enforcement officials, witnesses, or other drivers involved in the incident. Even a seemingly harmless apologetic statement can detrimentally affect your ability to secure full compensation.
  • Receive medical treatment – Even if you do not think your injuries are serious following a car crash, it is critically important that you visit a doctor. Certain types of injuries can take hours, days, or even weeks to fully manifest their symptoms, and the rush of adrenaline that you experience in the immediate aftermath of a collision may make you unaware of how you have been affected. To ensure that you receive adequate care and can fully document the extent of your injuries, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident in Florida?

Though not legally required, a lawyer can be essential to helping you win compensation in a car accident claim in California. An attorney can sit down with you, review the details of your accident, and help make a determination on what your claim is valued at and who the liable party or parties are. They can also gather necessary evidence, negotiate with the involved parties, and litigate your case before a judge.

How Much Does an Attorney Charge for a Car Accident in Florida?

What Damages Are Available in a Car Accident Claim in Florida?

What Evidence Is Useful to Prove Liability in a Car Accident Claim?

Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorneys

The attorneys at The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A. understand the complex issues that can arise following a car accident, including the difficulty of dealing with insurance companies. In many cases, insurers do everything they can to limit payouts. We refuse to succumb to bullying tactics or unfair settlement offers. We will vigorously fight for you until you receive the compensation that you need on your path toward recovery.

Contact our office today to arrange your complimentary consultation with an accomplished personal injury attorney. Call us at 954-763-4950 to arrange an appointment right away. We assist with car accident cases in Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Coral Springs, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, and all of the surrounding communities.


Decades of Aggressively Fighting for Your Full Recovery

We Have More Than 30 Years Of Combined Experience

Recovering full compensation after a personal injury can be very difficult. Negligent parties and their insurance companies are often challenging to negotiate with, and, in some cases, litigation is necessary. At The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A., we have more than 30 years of combined experience in the practice of personal injury law, and two of our attorneys previously worked for insurance companies. With our background and knowledge, we are ready to do whatever it takes to get you the compensation you need to rebuild your life.

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